Hi I’m Kim, thank you for visiting!

I’d love to share a little bit about Standing Strong with you…

The dream for Standing Strong was to create a place where children could go to feel uplifted, inspired and supported, throughout the challenges and triumphs of growing up. 

The first idea for Standing Strong came in 2000, after going through my own struggles as a teenager. A few months after graduating high school, a chance encounter with a young girl helped me realise I wasn’t the only one who was struggling.

That encounter ignited a dream to create a safe place where children could share their feelings without being judged. A place where they could let their guard down, feel heard and understood, while also being inspired to take charge of their lives.

Today, as a mum of two young boys, I see Standing Strong through my ‘Mumma Bear’ eyes. I understand the importance of having a place like Standing Strong for our children. My goal is to continue building Standing Strong as a support network and community of strength for families to lean on, throughout the life changing journey of raising children.

Kim Henwood | Standing Strong Founder 


We are helping children to learn that no matter who they are, they are valuable and worthy of safety, happiness and greatness in their lives”.  

Supporting parents, children & families

Louise Poulson

Youth Coach & Content...

Abraham Kennedy

Youth Coach, Personal Trainer...

Erika Lee Shaw

Counsellor & Content Creator

At Standing Strong we take a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Our programs include:

Strong Mind – mindset | Strong Body – movement |
Strong Heart – mindfulness.

At Standing Strong our unique programs and services are designed to work with parents and communities to help educate, motivate, and inspire children to live to their full potential. Through our team of health and wellness specialists, we take a positive, uplifting and non-clinical approach to supporting and empowering children and families.

Through our Strong Mind, Strong Body, Strong Heart classes children learn how to improve their confidence and self-esteem, build inner-strength and self-belief, grow friendships, improve their health and body-image, manage stress and gain the tools essential for living happy, healthy and inspired lives.


Mental health is the single greatest health crisis facing teens and families today. Depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and poor body-image are at the forefront of this crisis.

Our unique classes encourage children and teens to develop the mindsets and skills known to prevent social and health issues including depression, anxiety, stress, disconnection and lack of motivation and drive. At Standing Strong, all children are accepted, encouraged and celebrated for their individuality and uniqueness by our specialised team and fellow Standing Strong members.

Through the support and accessibility of our ongoing programs, parents can feel reassured knowing they are not alone and are being supported by a heart centred team, as the saying goes- “It takes a Village to raise a child”.

Through face to face and online programs, our purpose is to provide families and communities with affordable, professional and inclusive services that help to equip children with the confidence, connection and support needed to face the world Standing Strong!


Respect & Kindness

We actively promote and encourage respect and kindness in all we do. From our team members to our girls and families, respect and kindness is at the forefront of our programs, classes, services, resources and relationships.

Open-mindedness & Compassion

Open-mindedness and compassion are the keys to our service delivery and program development. Everything we do is based on positive relationship building. This is achieved through our commitment to being open minded and having compassion for others.

Connection & Belonging

Connection and belonging is at the heart of our services. We believe the answer to long term health and happiness is in building positive connections with others while also achieving and maintaining a strong sense of belonging.

Integrity & Trust

At Standing Strong we believe integrity and trust are essential when building lasting relationships. Our values of integrity and trust are shown through our openness, communication, connection and commitment to the people, communities and establishments we work with.

Affordability & Accessibility

We are committed providing affordable and accessible programs and services to families. We believe every person has the right to enjoy our services and we are committed to working closely with communities to make this happen.

Innovation & Prevention

We are committed to continually growing and improving our programs and services. We believe in thinking bigger and strive to be innovative and pro active in our approaches to teen health and wellbeing. We believe prevention is the secret to improving health and wellness outcomes for our future generations.



Children smiling and joining hands in a circle to support children's health


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A group of children sitting on the floor