Creative Director & Program Mentor
Born to create, Beth is the artist behind all our branding, advertising and our website. She holds an Advanced Diploma in Visual Art, a Bachelor Degree in Graphic Design and Graduate Diploma in Education. Along with her passion for design, Beth is also very enthusiastic when it comes to empowering women, education and all things self development. Being one of 3 girls that grew up on a cattle farm in rural Australia, Beth’s unique upbringing allows her to bring a different perspective to the club environment. “Im a huge believer in everyone getting a fair go. If someone else can do it, what’s stopping you?! Stereotypes are so inaccurate and useless! I love seeing the girls relax and just be themselves in the club. The natural energy they bring inspires me more than they will probably ever know! I am so honoured to be apart of the Standing Strong family as well as being able to contribute to the business using my design skills and life experiences.”